James wrote:
James<wireless<at>  tampabay.rr.com>  writes:

copy the gcc-*.tbz2 package from
$PKGDIR on that to the broken system,
then emerge -1k gcc.
emergeing gcc now (thanks Neil!)

One last question:
so I've learned the hard way
of the value of quickpkg.

Besides gcc, what is a good list
of critical software to use guickpkg
as to keep backup binaries?


I have this set in my make.conf:

FEATURES="buildpkg sandbox fixpackages parallel-fetch --keep-going"

Yours may vary but the buildpkg part is what you need. There is also buildsyspkg but in the past, I had it to not keep some system packages.

If you use either of those, man eclean.  That will keep the cruft out.


:-)  :-)

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