Grant Edwards wrote:
On 2011-02-25, Dale<>  wrote:

Well, I think my machine is possessed or something.  I'm getting random
reboots here.  When it does this, it is like hitting the reset button.
It is sitting on the grub screen when it does this.  I noticed the first
time the other day and this was before adding the extra memory.  I
seemed to be stable at 4Gbs but I seem to be rebooting at random.  I ran
memtest yesterday, it checked fine.
By "memtest" I assume mean memtest86?

In my experience, you should let it run multiple passes (I'd recommend
at least 4 or 4 -- I would imagine it'll take a couple days).  I've
seen situations where it was OK on the initial pass, and then failed

The other likely suspect is probably the power supply.

Correct. To sort of help rule out the OS on the hard drive, I ran memtest from a USB stick. It made it through 2 full passes with no errors. Since this is my main rig, I can't go to long without it. I get to shaking from withdrawal and such as that. :-(

I got a good power supply but it could still be that. Even the best and most expensive break from time to time. I think I could swap mine out from my old rig if needed. This new rig doesn't pull near as much as my old one.



:-)  :-)

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