Neil Bothwick wrote:
On Fri, 25 Feb 2011 22:10:27 -0600, Dale wrote:

Not exactly.  I'm saying I don't think X stuff should be in the system
set regardless of USE flags.
There is no X stuff in @system. what you are seeing is that some
dependencies of @system have X in their IUSE, so pull in X, but that
doesn't make X part of @system, nor make it a requirement for your
computer to run.

You have set the X flag, by choosing a desktop profile, so why do you
object to X programs being installed?

I see your point but that isn't what I have been talking about. When I run emerge -e system, it pulls in a bunch of X stuff including KDE. Yea, it is because of USE flags but that didn't used to be the case. If I recall correctly, my system set and all its dependencies used to be 147 packages. Now it is over 400 packages which includes things that have nothing to do with booting or running portage.

I don't object to having X stuff installed, I just don't think it should be pulled into the system set. When I do a emerge -e system, it should be only stuff that is related to booting, running portage and such, not GUI stuff.

If this continues to grow, the system set is going to catch up with the world set.


:-)  :-)

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