On Thu, 24 Feb 2011 11:34:09 -0600, Dale wrote:

> > Actually, it is, because you told it to be. To me, KDE is not a system
> > package, because I run different USE flags to you. Gentoo gave you the
> > gun but you pointed it at your foot :)

> I didn't tell portage to include KDE, qt, and a boatload of other stuff 
> to be part of @system.  Did I enable the kde USE flag, yea.  That
> should be part of the world stuff not the system stuff.

Which is probably why the kde flag does NOT pull in all that stuff.

You can't on the one hand tell portage to build the packages with support
for some other packages, then on the other hand complain that they are
dependencies. Note the KDE is not and never will be part of @system, by
your own post that still contains 50 packages, it is your choices that
have created the huge dependency list for @system.

Save the output of emerge -epvt @system to a file, or print it out, then
work through to see which choices you have made that created this list of

Or accept that they were going to be installed anyway, as part of @world
if not @system, and do something useful with your life :)

> If I disable
> kde, qt and all the others then my GUI is going to be junk if it would
> even work at all.

Incorrect. You can install KDE without the kde USE flag, none of the
packages in kde-meta respect the kde USE flag.

Neil Bothwick

Every time I jump on the bandwagon all its wheels fall off.

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