On Fri, 25 Mar 2011 06:56:20 -0700, Mark Knecht wrote:

> > I installed 2.7 on August 10th and removed 2.6 on October 5th.
> >
> >
> > --
> > Neil Bothwick  
> Do you recollect whether you ran python-updater immediately after the
> 2.7 emerge, and do you remember whether you set 2.7 as your active
> version 2 python version before or after running python-updater?

I don't recollect what I did seven days ago, let alone seven months. But
I installed 2.7 on a stable box this morning, set it as active, 't
remove ran python-updater and then depclean removed it. Depclean wouldn't
remove it before running python-updater.

Whether you have to set 2.7 active first, I have no idea, but that order
certainly works.

Neil Bothwick

Death to all fanatics!

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