Apparently, though unproven, at 13:43 on Saturday 09 April 2011, Dale did 
opine thusly:

> So, when I get me a new drive, I use pvcreate to get it ready for LVM, 
> then use vgextend to add it to the VG, then it is available for whatever 
> LV I want to extend or to make a new LV?

Yup, that's really what it's all about.

LVM will decide for itself what bits of what PV to use for each LV, you should 
just let it go ahead and make it's own decisions. The man page describes 
options where you can control stuff - like striping and mirroring. I find this 
just confuses the issue though and makes stuff needlessly complex.

A much better viewpoint is you deal with your striping and performance issues 
at a lower layer - RAID - and treat LVM as something that creates a gigantic 
storage bucket where you take out how much you need and don't care where it 
is. If two drives have vastly different performance characteristics and you 
find yourself having to dictate to LVM what to do, then they really should not 
be in the same VG at all.

alan dot mckinnon at gmail dot com

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