Dale <rdalek1967 <at> gmail.com> writes:

> > http://www.gentoo.org/doc/en/gentoo-x86+raid+lvm2-quickinstall.xml

> > http://en.gentoo-wiki.com/wiki/RAID/Software

> That talks about using RAID tho.  I don't think you have to be using LVM 
> to use that guide.  It just talks about both in one place.

if my research-comprehension is properly aligned....

> Maybe I don't know enough to see that it requires both tho.  lol

Nope, lvm is extra. ONCE you master lvm, I'll dive in with
both feet!
For now, no lvm as my needs are simple mirroring of all 3 partions.
boot and swap are plenty big, everything else is /
So this should be straight forward....

I think Florian is bout to help me flesh out the problem,
on the other thread....


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