On Fri, May 13, 2011 at 04:21:41PM +0100, Peter Humphrey wrote:
> On Friday 13 May 2011 03:30:27 Manuel McLure wrote:
> > Just ran into a gotcha with my main server upgrade to
> > openrc/baselayout2 - it appears that the old ifconfig network syntax
> > no longer works. I kept getting the message:
> > 
> > Error: either "local" is duplicate, or "netmask" is garbage
> > 
> > until I changed the syntax from
> > 
> > config_eth0="XX.YY.ZZ.WW broadcast XX.YY.ZZ.255 netmask"
> > 
> > to
> > 
> > config_eth0="XX.YY.ZZ.WW/24"
> > 
> > The other syntax worked in baselayout1.

That error message comes from iproute2, so it looks like you hit this


In a nutshell we are trying to convert ifconfig syntax to iproute2
syntax, but we do not do it correctly in this case.

The consensus on the dev list seems to be that it is fine to stop doing
that, so at some point in the future, probably a release coming up soon,
the syntax of config_* lines will have to match the tool you are using
to configure the interfaces.


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