Rather than trying to ssh tunnel + X, why not vpn into one of the machines, 
that would allow you to be local 
and you can then ssh to each machine on the lan from your local.

Jeremy McSpadden

On May 22, 2011, at 2:01 PM, Mark Knecht wrote:

> Hi,
>   I'm on a Gentoo box here and ssh'ed into a remote network at my
> folks house. When I log into the Gentoo machine that the router points
> to (my dad's desktop) I have no problem displaying an X app
> (gnome-terminal for instance) running on that machine here on my
> screen. However when I ssh from that machine into another machine on
> the network I am unable to get an X app to display here due to dbus
> and/or X problems:
> mark@gandalf ~ $ ssh -X -Y -C laptop
> Password:
> Last login: Sun May 22 03:50:07 PDT 2011 from on pts/0
> mark@laptop1 ~ $ konsole
> <unknown program name>(4454)/: KUniqueApplication: Cannot find the
> D-Bus session server:  "/usr/bin/dbus-launch terminated abnormally
> with the following error: Autolaunch error: X11 initialization failed.
> "
> <unknown program name>(4453)/: KUniqueApplication: Pipe closed unexpectedly.
> mark@laptop1 ~ $ systemsettings
> systemsettings(4457): KUniqueApplication: Cannot find the D-Bus
> session server:  "/usr/bin/dbus-launch terminated abnormally with the
> following error: Autolaunch error: X11 initialization failed.
> "
> systemsettings(4456): KUniqueApplication: Pipe closed unexpectedly.
> mark@laptop1 ~ $ su -
> Password:
> laptop1 ~ # rc-update show
>               acpid |      default
>            bootmisc | boot
>             checkfs | boot
>           checkroot | boot
>               clock | boot
>         consolefont | boot
>                dbus |      default
>                hald |      default
>            hostname | boot
>             keymaps | boot
>               local |      default nonetwork
>          localmount | boot
>             modules | boot
>              net.lo | boot
>            netmount |      default
>                ntpd |      default
>           rmnologin | boot
>                sshd |      default
>           syslog-ng |      default
>      udev-postmount |      default
>             urandom | boot
>          vixie-cron |      default
>                 xdm |      default
> laptop1 ~ #
>   Is there an obvious fix to this? All the machines are ssh
> configured to do X forwarding and when the laptop was here (my mom's
> laptop which I configured for her) I was able to ssh into it and
> display stuff so I assume it's something to do with the machine in the
> middle?
> Thanks in advance,
> Mark

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