Dale wrote:

I got a link to this:


From there, there is a link to test whether the new IPv6 works on my system and between me and the reat of the world. It appears I am not ready. It complained about the DNS server for the most part. Funny thing is, I use googles DNS servers. and are the settings. I find it ironic that Google is one of the ones hosting this event and it appears their server is not ready. Makes me think. < Dale scratches chin a bit >

Should I have the USE flag ipv6 enabled or should I leave it off for now? If so, anyone had any trouble with it or is this a trivial change?

Thanks much.


:-)  :-)

Actually, it is enabled already.  Here is its complaint list:

Test with IPv6 DNS record
bad (0.261s)

Test IPv6 without DNS
bad (0.003s)

Test IPv6 large packet
bad (0.238s)

Test if your ISP's DNS server uses IPv6
timeout (15.014s)

Is there anything I need to change here to get everything ready or is it beyond our control anyway?


:-)  :-)

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