Paul Hartman wrote:
On Wed, Jun 8, 2011 at 11:50 PM, Dale<>  wrote:
I'm just hoping html5 will improve some things.  May not but doesn't hurt to
hope.  I just hope it will eliminate some of the things that are such power
or memory hogs now.  It may not at first but eventually
Some stuff is already looking good, outside of streaming video, like which probably would not be possible
without Flash or Java just a couple years ago.

So things like youtube won't change any?

Well, I learned something about one of my facebook friends. She likes that bird game too. I killed one bird but I got to work on my car. It being 100 and no A/C sucks big time. I got a funeral to go to pretty soon so I need to get this fixed.


:-)  :-)

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