On Fri, Jun 10, 2011 at 17:13, Perenaster <perenas...@googlemail.com> wrote:
> Hey,
> I dont't know if this is the right list I'm writing to but I want to use
> Gentoo as server. My aim is a small as possible installation of an OS with
> only the modules I want. So I thought Gentoo might be the OS of choice. Is
> it suitable for an server or should I look for an other distro?

You know, we have a mailing list dedicated for those using Gentoo as
servers : gentoo-server

That said...

Depends on your definition of 'suitable'.

If you're more focused on 'only the things I need and nothing else'
a.k.a 'pedal-to-the-metal performance optimized for my system', then
the answer is a resounding : YES

If you want quick and (relatively) painless ( = fast ) updates, then
Gentoo's not really suitable for you.

Unless you want to take the time and pains to learn and implement an
'update server' who will perform the binary package creation.

(imagine trying emerge --update @world for 100 servers)

> Is there anything in particular that I have to mention at the installation?

Well, just use the hardened stage3, hardened profile, and hardened sources.

Oh, and config the kernel manually, of course :-)

> Thanks in advance,
> Tom

Pandu E Poluan
~ IT Optimizer ~
Visit my Blog: http://pepoluan.posterous.com

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