On Fri, Jun 10, 2011 at 21:29, Alan McKinnon <alan.mckin...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Apparently, though unproven, at 15:15 on Friday 10 June 2011, Joost Roeleveld
> did opine thusly:
>> On Friday 10 June 2011 12:13:22 Perenaster wrote:
>> > Hey,
>> > I dont't know if this is the right list I'm writing to but I want to use
>> > Gentoo as server. My aim is a small as possible installation of an OS
>> > with only the modules I want. So I thought Gentoo might be the OS of
>> > choice. Is it suitable for an server or should I look for an other
>> > distro?
>> > Is there anything in particular that I have to mention at the
>> > installation? Thanks in advance,
>> > Tom
>> Hi Tom,
>> Gentoo is quite usable as a Server. I use it as such myself.
> Funny think about Gentoo is that it can save you a few MB of disk space by
> removing things you don't need.
> But it consumes 3GB of disk space to do it.

Heh, I personally don't really care about hard disk usage.

All I know is, compared to other 'server'-oriented distros (or distro
variant), Gentoo has the least amount of memory usage :-)

Pandu E Poluan
~ IT Optimizer ~
Visit my Blog: http://pepoluan.posterous.com

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