   BACKGROUND ONLY: I've got a futures trading partner who is
attempting to give up Windows if he can. I've helped him install
Gentoo on his new machine. The box is up and running and so far very
productive for him. We're struggling a bit with getting his three
monitor setup working like it did in Windows on his old machine. He
has an EVGA NVidia-based GeForce 8400GS along with the onboard Intel
Graphics stuff. Our goal is to drive 2 monitors with the NVidia card
and 1 with the Intel VGA.

   My question is about running nvidia-settings. I'm finding that if I
shell into his machine using

ssh -X -Y -C IP-address

and run nvidia-settings I get it displayed here, as it should be. The
problem is it is seeing my GTX 465 and not his 8400GS.

   Anyone know how can I get nvidia-settings to look at his hardware
and do nothing but paint the GUI here at my end?


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