On Thu, Jun 23, 2011 at 05:21:07PM +0100, Neil Bothwick wrote:
> On Thu, 23 Jun 2011 08:54:01 -0700, Mark Knecht wrote:
> >    My question is about running nvidia-settings. I'm finding that if I
> > shell into his machine using
> > 
> > ssh -X -Y -C IP-address
> > 
> > and run nvidia-settings I get it displayed here, as it should be. The
> > problem is it is seeing my GTX 465 and not his 8400GS.
> Looking at the man page, it appears you need to use the -ctrl-display
> parameter or the $DISPLAY env var. The man page mentions that
> nvidia-settings queries the X server, which is running locally. It looks
> like this setting may force it to use another.

as neil wrote, it is
nvidia-settings -c :0

nvidia-settings connects  to the remote xserver to communicate
with the graphics card (through a special nvidia xtenstion to the x
protocol), so you need to be able to access the remote xserver, if you
are logged in as the user running the xserver, you should be ok


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