On Friday, July 1 at 14:10 (-0500), Harry Putnam said:

> Sorry for being a lazy slug... I've used the same /etc/make.conf for
> several yrs with no problems... so didn't really think to look there.
> That's why I asked... didn't know where to look... dumb perhaps but
> just didn't cross my mind.
> I've found my systems to do pretty well without those FEATURES or --jobs
> entries.

Sure. I did not mean to imply one *must* know about FEATURES in order to
maintain a Gentoo system, only that it is a fundamental part of Gentoo
that may be of interest to you (it's even mentioned in the Handbook).
The --jobs parameter is not so important and, while it's been been a
feature of portage for a while, it hasn't nearly been around as long as
FEATURES (which has been part of Gentoo for as long as I can remember).

Well, thanks for pointing out the error in my appliance creation script
that mistakenly sets up the serial console on non-headless VMs.  I've
fixed the bug and created and uploaded a new image.


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