David W Noon writes:

> On Fri, 01 Jul 2011 22:05:12 +0200, Alex Schuster wrote about
> [gentoo-user] LVM filter question:
> [snip]
> >     filter = [ "r|/dev/nbd.*|", "r|/dev/sdd|", "a/.*/" ]
> > 
> > This should reject /dev/sdd from scanning. But it doesn't, pvscan
> > spins it up. Any idea why it is not being ignored?
> The regular expression that precedes the one involving /dev/sdd
> provides a clue: it would appear that LVM wraps the r.e. with ^ and $
> so that it completes a string.
> So, your r.e. should read:
>    r|/dev/sdd.*|
> which decodes to "reject ^/dev/sdd.*$ ".
> This suppresses the scans of /dev/sdd1, /dev/sdd2, etc.
> Now, you might not have any partitions on /dev/sdd, but LVM cannot
> readily know that without reading the partition table, which spins up
> the drive.  I guess LVM doesn't trust or, at least, depend upon udev
> to supply the partition details.

Good idea, didn't think about this. I tried that, but it did not help. 
/dev/sdd indeed has no partitions, the whole drive is a LUKS container.

Looks like this just does not work at all. Too bad. I have two big 1.5 TB 
drives, one as system drive, the other as identical backup drive. And then 
there are five more smaller drives for stuff I do not need regularly. Any 
LVM operation takes a while when all those drives have to spin up first.

Another annoying problem is KDE's / Dolphin's trash. When I delete something 
to the trash, all drives (or at least some, I have to investigate this 
further) that have mounted partitions spin up, one after another.


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