Grant wrote:
Is Nvidia still the way to go instead of ATI?  I use the nouveau
drivers with my onboard Nvidia chipset now and they've been fine for
the most part.  I use a threaded ffmpeg to decode HD video instead of
VDPAU so I don't bother with nvidia-drivers.

- Grant
I don't have any experience with ATI but I still use Nvidia and their
drivers.  I haven't had any problems as of yet.  I did have a video problem
once but it was a kernel problem.  For me, I see no need in me getting a ATI
card.  That's just me.

I've just read that Nvidia no longer makes onboard video.  Has anyone
else heard that?

Are server motherboard more reliable?

- Grant

I looked around on newegg and found that there are several mobos that have Nvidia video built in. It seems they do still make them. I'm not sure if the video or mobos are any that you would like but they are being made at least.

Me, I tend to buy video cards. They have upgrade options without having to put in a new mobo. YMMV tho.

No idea on server boards. I would think they would be more reliable tho.


:-)  :-)

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