A bit of a long shot, this, but has anyone got any older Portage snapshots 
kicking around, by any chance?

I have a box which hasn't been updated in 2 - 3 years. It would normally be 
easiest to format and reinstall, but in this case the box in question is a PS3 
which was installed using the experimental PS3 stages which are (I think) no 
longer available.

I'm pretty sure this machine has some PS3-specific hacks applied, so I think an 
attempt to upgrade the hard way is worthwhile. If it doesn't work I'll probably 
try Debian, or something. 

I have no illusions that attempting this *will* be a pain the ass, because in 
the past I've updated machines which have been ignored for 18 months, and that 
required lots of manually digging in the Portage CVS attic and copying files 
into the local overlay by hand. 

So if anyone has any Portage snapshots that are sufficiently old left lying 
around from an old install, it would save me that grunt work.

Alternatively, if you, too, have a machine that hasn't been updated a long 
time, maybe you'll be able to help me by tarring up a copy of the Portage tree.

Thanks for looking,


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