> To confuse you even more, there is a swappiness setting as well.  On my old
> x86 rig, I have 2Gbs of ram.  My hard drive is really slow since it is IDE.
>  I set swappiness to 20.  That tells the kernel that I have swap space but
> don't use it unless you must.  For what I use the rig for, 2Gbs is plenty of
> ram.  The lower the swappiness setting, the less the kernel will try to use
> ram.  The higher the setting, the more it will try to use swap.
> I have a new rig that is amd64 and has SATA drives which are pretty fast.  I
> still have swappiness set to 20.  Why do I have it set to 20 when the drives
> are faster you ask?  I have it set to 20 because I have 16Gbs of ram here.
>  Even if I have portage's work directory on tmpfs and am compiling OOo, it
> should not need swap then either.
> By the way, my swap partition is 1Gb on both systems.  Why have it this way
> since one machine has 2Gbs and one has 16Gbs?  As it has been said, you want
> a little swap and even using a little swap is OK.  You just don't want it to
> be using swap and actually swapping data all the time.  On my old rig, it
> started out with 512Mbs.  I use KDE and it got to the point where it was
> using enough ram that it was not just using swap and letting things sit, it
> was actively swapping data from swap and doing so a lot.  It would only be
> using a 100Mbs sometimes 200Mbs.  The point is, it was slowing the system
> down because of the swapping process.  I bought a stick of ram and all was
> well again.  It would still use a 100Mbs of swap at times but it would not
> be actively swapping the data back and forth so it wasn't a big deal.
> I think the point is this, it is good to have a little swap.  It is even OK
> for it to use a little swap when it is mostly sitting there.  When you
> notice it using swap and it is actively swapping and moving things back and
> forth, you need more memory.  Having the swap may can save you from a crash
> but is can also give you a "time to add more ram" hint too.  If Linux starts
> using swap a good bit, you need more ram.

OK, how can you determine when a machine is actively swapping and
moving things back and forth?  Do you need to monitor the system with
a real-time tool during peak usage?

- Grant

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