Am Mittwoch, 7. September 2011, 23:33:35 schrieb Canek Peláez Valdés:
> > The more I think about this merge of / and /usr, the dumber I think the
> > idea is.  As I wrote in an earlier message on this list, the initramfs
> > will be many times larger than the kernel itself.  Indeed, my /boot
> > partition is only 32 MiB, and that will be too small to contain all the
> > extra libraries and programs to run the initramfs script.
> I don't see any problem with an initramfs larger than the kernel. It
> will handle a lot of stuff. But if you don't want to change your /boot
> partition, then don't upgrade to new kernels.

How about accepting the fact, that there are a lot of things out there "you 
don't see"? Get over it. People have told a lot of valid reasons. They might 
not seem valid to you, but that's not their problem.
Have you *ever* thought about machines, that are not x86 or x86_64?
Here's an intersting read:

> Change happens.

That's right. And sometimes these changes are simply bad ideas.

> >> > Mounting it read-only
> >> > seems the only sensible one, and then I think is better to go all
> >> > the way and mount / read-only.
> >> 
> >> Putting /etc on a read-only filesystem seems a really bad idea.
> > 
> > To say the least.
> It works, and it makes life easier for upstream. Which are the ones
> writting the code.

Hu? There's one upstream writing all the code for all the stuff we use? That's 
news to me.

> Regards.


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