Paul Colquhoun wrote:
On Mon, 12 Sep 2011 08:31:09 PM Alan Mackenzie wrote:
On Mon, Sep 12, 2011 at 03:35:19PM -0400, Canek Peláez Valdés wrote:
I read that page. I understand the problem. I'm not convinced.
I can respect that. I can only then say that we must agree to
disagree, because I also understand the problem, and I am convinced.

But what you guys don't seem to realize is that /lib and /bin and
/sbin was the original hack: everything really should go into /usr,
because now (with an initramfs) we can do what we were not able 30
years ago. We not need anything in /, really.
They could have put everything on /usr 30 years ago, if they'd have seen
fit.  They saw then good reason not to.  What you and KS seem oblivious
to is the reason for /bin, /sbin.  It is to allow a small boot so as to
permit system maintenance - fsck, resizing or moving partions, even
undeleting files - all these things are difficult, or even impossible
perhaps, if the pertinent partition is mounted.  To pretend otherwise is


Of course, nowdays you can do the maintanence from a bootable CD or a minimal
shell running from within an initramfs, so that problem has multiple

You do know that some systems don't have that ability right? Some servers don't even have a CD drive at all. Also, some people manage remote system where they have no physical access at all. I feel sorry for those for sure.


:-)  :-)

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