
I don't have a Macbook Air, but I have two iMac desktops and one macbook 
pro laptop. The two imacs run Gentoo without any problems. I installed 
refit to switch between Gentoo and osx.

For the laptop, I had trouble booting from the installation cd. A few 
days ago someone on this list suggested that I run Gentoo within a 
virtual machine running on osx. This turned out to be a very good 
solution, since it is very easy and works perfectly (I do have a small 
network problem, but not serious), and allows me to use the Mac software 
as well. I use virtualbox for the VM software.


* Grant <emailgr...@gmail.com> [14/09/11 16:33]:
> My wife can't stand the OS on her Macbook Air any more and has asked
> me to install Gentoo.  I did some research and it looks like there are
> some hidden pitfalls.  It seems to depend on which version of the
> Macbook Air you have (my wife's is the version right before the new
> backlit keyboard version) but at least some versions require that you
> first boot into Mac OSX and then reboot into Linux, and there appear
> to be a myriad of other gotchas.  Does anyone know more about this?
> - Grant

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