> Hi,
> I don't have a Macbook Air, but I have two iMac desktops and one macbook
> pro laptop. The two imacs run Gentoo without any problems. I installed
> refit to switch between Gentoo and osx.
> For the laptop, I had trouble booting from the installation cd. A few
> days ago someone on this list suggested that I run Gentoo within a
> virtual machine running on osx. This turned out to be a very good
> solution, since it is very easy and works perfectly (I do have a small
> network problem, but not serious), and allows me to use the Mac software
> as well. I use virtualbox for the VM software.
> Best,
> Moshe

Thanks Moshe.  Maybe the best thing for me to do is just install
Gentoo on the thing and see what happens.  Restoring OSX should be
easy with the included USB key.  I think that's the best way to figure
out if there are any quirks.  Just follow the regular install method,

- Grant

>> My wife can't stand the OS on her Macbook Air any more and has asked
>> me to install Gentoo.  I did some research and it looks like there are
>> some hidden pitfalls.  It seems to depend on which version of the
>> Macbook Air you have (my wife's is the version right before the new
>> backlit keyboard version) but at least some versions require that you
>> first boot into Mac OSX and then reboot into Linux, and there appear
>> to be a myriad of other gotchas.  Does anyone know more about this?
>> - Grant

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