On Fri, 16 Sep 2011 10:46:02 +0200
Joost Roeleveld <jo...@antarean.org> wrote:

> > Anyway, Debian is the only "big" distro recommending separated /usr,
> > and then only for multiuser setups. It's really years since I've
> > looked at the recommended partition schemes: when I started using
> > Linux, a separated /home was almost a must. And we had tiny hard
> > drives then. Now get out of my lawn.  
> Gentoo still has some guides recommending split /usr:
> http://www.gentoo.org/doc/en/gentoo-x86+raid+lvm2-quickinstall.xml
> There are several people using this type of layout.
> The suggested partitioning scheme is usually for beginner
> installations. Not necessarily for larger installations with specific
> requirements.

Using layout suggestions from install docs to justify what the udev
maintainers want to do is simply disingenuous.

The install docs are obviously a guideline only and do not form any
sort of requirement. That is obvious to anyone with some experience in
the field. Anyone suggesting otherwise is either being hyper-literal or
is following some sneaky agenda. Either way, neither type should be
allowed anywhere near policy making as their goals conflict with the

> The debian guide talks about 20GB drives. I don't have those anymore.
> the smallest drive I have is a 320GB IDE-drive for the database
> server in the lab.

I need 73G SCSI drives for some old servers still running, they cost a
fortune from Dell. The nice man from Dell sales tells me they haven't
had 20G drives in the stores for years and years, he mentioned numbers
like "5" or "8"


Alan McKinnnon

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