On Wednesday, September 14, 2011 01:36:56 PM Dale wrote:
> Canek Peláez Valdés wrote:

> > But that's the thing: we (you and me) don't see the situation the same
> > way. To me, the proposed changes are for the better.
> You are one of very few that feel this way.

You are probably correct that he's one of the relatively few people (along 
with the udev developer, and those few people for whom it will fix their 
problems) who think these changes are a real improvement.

I would estimate that the vast, vast, vast majority of users are those such as 
myslelf, who have no opinion whatsoever, and either will not be affected at all 
by these changes (because they don't separate / and /usr), or will simply 
apply the proposed initramfs solution and move on.

Then there are those relatively few people, such as the handful making up the 
rest of this thread, who think that these changes are a horrible idea and will 
have a severe deterimental affect on their systems.

Not that the relative "size" of the various sides in this debate is really the 
issue, but despite the tone of this and the other thread, I don't think 
there's really a huge, overwhelming outcry against these changes.


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