On 2011-10-03, Grant Edwards <grant.b.edwa...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Just recently I've run in to problems because my hard drives are not
> detected in a predictable order, so my fstab that mount /dev/sdb1 and
> /dev/sdc1 sometimes result in directory trees in the wrong places
> (/dev/sda seems consistent, but I don't know why).

I still don't know what changed to cause disks ordering to become
non-deterministic.  I recently upgraded from a single-core CPU to a
dual-core CPU.  Would that do it?

> What's the recommended way to fix this?

After a bit more googling, it looks like this is what disk labels are
for.  Never used them before, but it looks like it's time to give them
a go.

Grant Edwards               grant.b.edwards        Yow! My mind is making
                                  at               ashtrays in Dayton ...

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