Hi, everybody! I installed gentoo according to Gentoo Handbook , then I login 
gentoo . But I found that I couldn't use wpa_supplicant for scanning netcard 
device failed . I think that means the netcard module not loaded, so I type 
lsmod and the output have only one line-Modules , according to the Handbook I 
have written many modules to the file /etc/modules.autoload.d/kernel2.6 though 
I don't know those modules respond for what.  
 Now the question is  that I don't know whether gentoo loaded those modules 
that in file kernel2.6 which I created.
 Handbook said that modules in /etc/modules.autoload.d/kernel2.6 will be loaded 
automatically, but why there is only one line in output when I use command 
 I’m going to be crazy! When I use gentoo I really realize that the knowlege 
needed is far more than I just have, I have to acknowledge that I'm a 
freshman.So please help me.

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