First of all I think I should apologize for my poor English , you must be very 
painful to read my letters.
I'm a Chinese student and my English is not very well , actually  it's suck. So 
I will pay attention to making
letters more clear to understand. 
To be honest, I'm not good at writing e-mails as most Chinese does . We almost 
don't use e-mail . I know
the letters I send don't have a clear subject and its contents are verbose , so 
I'm really sorry , I won't do that
any longer.
Michael Mol , you're right , I should reply in time, but you know it is 11:00 
pm here when it is 7:00 am or 8:00 am in
your place , maybe I went to bed and forgot this next morning . But it's not an 
excuse for me , so I will note it .
You said there're no line-breaks in my letters , I'm not very clear about this, 
can you send a screenshot for me ? 
It is all normall in my mailbox . 
At last I want to explain why I don't try some methods you provide . I like to 
reach the essence of one thing , I want 
to know exactly why it should be this but not that . So the letters I reply 
become more and more simple , I will control myself to reply

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