On Sun, Oct 16, 2011 at 21:46, CJoeB <colleen.bea...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On 10/16/11 20:38, Adam Carter wrote:
>>> BTW, I had forgotten to run 'eselect opengl set ati' which I've always
>>> done when configuring X.  However, when I do this, it returns
>>> 'Unrecognized option:  ati'
>>> You all are probably thinking I'm nuts now, but I thought this my solve
>>> the issue as stated about.  I've checked an rechecked the Gentoo ATI
>>> Guide and I've done everything it says.
>> Try eselect opengl list to show what's available. IIRC ati will use
>> fglrx. There may be an option called radeon, which you can used
>> instead.
> I had already done this and the only option that is listed is 'xorg-x11 *'
> The * is actually included in the output and I was too chicken to try
> this.  I don't understand why ati or radeon isn't listed 'cause I
> followed the Gentoo ATI Guide and X Configuration Guide.

Is your ati card covered under radeon (classic) or radeonhd? Unless
you need hardware 3d, fglrx is too much effort.
More bitchy than nvidia, too. (Unselect 'Use OpenGL' v2 in Destkop
Effects->Advanced to keep kwin from crashing).
Also, LXDE looks prettier than KDE4 without OpenGL, and XRender
disables half the plugins because they require OpenGL.
A prime example of this is the desktop cube.

-- m0shbear

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