On Wed, 2 Nov 2011 06:01:28 -0700 (PDT)
Leho Kraav <l...@kraav.com> wrote:

> On Wednesday, November 2, 2011 2:20:02 PM UTC+2, Urs
> Schutz wrote:
> > > eix-test-obsolete -d
> > is easy if it is done often, as there is little
> > corrective action to do on a day to day basis.
> I have been wondering if it's possible to get this
> particular check's output to be machine readable, so it
> could be used in automated scripts. Similar to what qlist
> -IC <atom> does.
> First, I think the different checks need to be
> separatable with cmdline arguments, so one wouldn't have
> to start parsing for some header type thing to know what
> atom list applies to what file.
> After that, the machine readable output needs to be as
> simple as possible, no colors, parenthesis, and whatnot.
> Further thoughts welcome, and suggestions for other ways
> of automating this cleanup. Only thing I know of was
> udept, but that's been dead upstream for a while.
> I should also note that I keep my /etc in git, so
> naturally all automated actions would be commited and
> therefore tracked - no need to fear losing some important
> configuration item, if that is at all applicable here
> even.

Something like > eix -tTc --xml could be a start.

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