On Tue, 15 Nov 2011 14:44:58 +0700
Pandu Poluan <pa...@poluan.info> wrote:

> >  Create the file if it doesn't already exist.  You now have a
> > totally udev-free machine
> >
> Sounds nice!
> However, my Gentoo systems are all virtual servers (DomU VMs on
> XenServer). So, the hardware devices are static. Will switching over
> to mdev give any benefits?
> I even am toying around with the idea of having a completely
> static /dev, but still can't find any guide/pointers yet.
> (Apologies if my email is OOT)

A VM can be surprisingly useful for this. If you can emulate different
hardware you can generate useful testing scenarios quickly. The tests
won't be conclusive (emulated hardware is not the same thing as real
hardware) but you *can* test to a standard. 

Alan McKinnnon

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