On Wed, Nov 16, 2011 at 07:52, Pandu Poluan <pa...@poluan.info> wrote:
> On Nov 16, 2011 3:21 AM, <waltd...@waltdnes.org> wrote:
>>  The more scenarios we can test, the better.  mdev might shave a second
>>  or two off the VM's bootup time, versus udev.
> Okay, I have two staging VMs on XenServer and one on VMware. I'm going to
> report back what happens. If anything bad happens, *should* be an easy
> rollback to the previous snapshot.

2nd Report: amd64-hardened on VMware, using VMware PVSCSI for hard
disk, but e1000 for network.

Booted okay, and similar to the report on XenServer. But this time. I
got 2 (two) red asterisks during boot. The 1st one seems to say "Error
... read-only file system". The second starts with "Warning temp file
left behind ..." (or something similar)

`rc-update del udev-postmount default && reboot` ... no problem.

Unmerged udev && reboot ... no problem.

There. No problem with XenServer and/or VMware. Except for the 1 or 2
red asterisks during boot (which I'm not sure caused by udev-->mdev
switch or something else).

I'll experiment with VirtualBox (on Windows) tomorrow. This might be
much more interesting :-)

FdS Pandu E Poluan
~ IT Optimizer ~

 • LOPSA Member #15248
 • Blog : http://pepoluan.tumblr.com
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