Hi, Gentoo.

My gcc now fails to work.

I upgraded it earlier on (I think) after doing an emerge --sync.  I
can't remember the before/after versions, or even whether I've got both
of them.

lipgmp has a lot to do with my problem.  After my last emerge -uND
world, I think libgmp was upgraded.  At any rate the messages on the
screen directed me to

    revdep-rebuild --library /usr/libt64/libgmp.so.3

, which I did.  They then informed me I could safely delete libgmp.so.3,
which I also did.  :-(

Now, when I attempt gcc on the command line, I get the error:

    /usr/libexec/gcc/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/4.4.5/cc1: error while loading
    shared libraries: libgmp.so.3: cannot open shared object file: No
    such file or directory

.  So, is there an easy way for me to recover a working gcc, or do I
have to do something desperate, like reinstalling Gentoo?  :-(

Help will be most appreciated.

Alan Mackenzie (Nuremberg, Germany).

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