On Thu, 17 Nov 2011 09:01:46 -0800, Mark Knecht wrote:

>    I'm pretty sure I've got the command set right to do the RAID-1 to
> RAID-5 conversion, but once it's done I believe the file system itself
> will still be 250GB so I'll need to resize the file system. In the
> past I've done this with gparted, which seems to work fine, but this
> time I was considering doing it at the command line. Does anyone know
> of a good web site that goes through how to do that? I've browsed
> around and found different pages that talk about it but my reading
> looks like they all have minor differences which leaves me a bit
> worried.

Using cfdisk or fdisk, delete the partition and recreate it, USING THE
SAME START BLOCK at a larger size.

Then "resize2fs /dev/sdwhatever" will resize the filesystem to fill the

Neil Bothwick

I just took an IQ test. The results were negative.

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