On Wed, 23 Nov 2011 13:07:55 -0600, Dale wrote:

> I think we have a problem:
> root@fireball / # pvmove -v /dev/sdb1
>      Finding volume group "data"
>      Archiving volume group "data" metadata (seqno 4).
>      Creating logical volume pvmove0
>      Moving 59604 extents of logical volume data/data1
>    Insufficient free space: 59604 extents needed, but only 118 available
>    Unable to allocate mirror extents for pvmove0.
>    Failed to convert pvmove LV to mirrored
> root@fireball / # pvdisplay
>    --- Physical volume ---
>    PV Name               /dev/sdb1
>    VG Name               data
>    PV Size               232.83 GiB / not usable 2.55 MiB
>    Allocatable           yes (but full)
>    PE Size               4.00 MiB
>    Total PE              59604
>    Free PE               0
>    Allocated PE          59604
>    PV UUID               Nxvrjn-BuaK-RGsF-F32S-0EaI-W4xe-H6Lnjl
>    --- Physical volume ---
>    PV Name               /dev/sdc1
>    VG Name               data
>    PV Size               698.64 GiB / not usable 4.84 MiB
>    Allocatable           yes
>    PE Size               4.00 MiB
>    Total PE              178850
>    Free PE               118
>    Allocated PE          178732
>    PV UUID               NF6I4G-L1L5-0VDE-HyUc-ESH3-CfV3-eUo676

You need to move 59604 extents but you only have 116 free on the

> root@fireball / # df
> Filesystem           1K-blocks      Used Available Use% Mounted on
> /dev/mapper/data-data1
>                       960906608 275263224 636841120  31% /data

> So, I got space left on sdc but it won't move the data off sdb.  Did 
> this run off into the ditch?  :/

You have space in the filesystem, but the volume containing that
filesystem is too large to move. You must first reduce the filesystem
size, with resize2fs or whatever suits your fs, then shrink the LV with
lvresize. That will free up enough extents to be able to fit them all on
one disk.

Look at the output from lvs to see what is taking up all the space.

Neil Bothwick

Men who have playful kittens shouldn't sleep in the nude.

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