On Sun, 27 Nov 2011 02:05:57 +0700
Pandu Poluan <pa...@poluan.info> wrote:

> Not really explaining waltdnes' interesting layout, but using
> bindmount (instead of symlinks) ensures that when a program tries to
> find a relative directory from a path, it will not attempt to do so
> from the symlink's target.


> Ta da! The ephemeral directories can now just fight among
> and the important directories can be backed up in one fell swoop (via
> /mnt/.persistents)?
> Thoughts are welcome, of course :)
> Rgds,

That's an interesting solution but I still don't understand the problem
it solves.

What actual real-world threat does this counter? Not a theoretical
threat, an actual real one, and why do you think you need to stop
software using relative paths?

Not to rain on your parade, but it just sounds a lot like chrooting
named - a huge amount of work, a real PITA for the maintainer, lots and
lots of warm fuzzies for PHBs, but no real actual benefit overall.

Alan McKinnnon

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