On Sun, Dec 04, 2011 at 08:27:33AM +0000, Mick wrote:

> > > Remerged python, verified the right python via eselect, remerge portage,
> > > etc etc etc etc I just can't seem to get proper output from emerge
> > > anymore no matter what. Other than that everything is working fine, but
> > > I do need to see actual output.
> > > 
> > > Anyone know what to do to fix this?
> > 
> > Did you enable parallel builds? I.e. added --jobs and/or --load related
> > options to EMERGE_DEFAULT_OPTS? In that case emerge uses this kind of
> > output, because obviously you can’t display multiple builds at the same
> > time in one window.
> > 
> > The -v flag, to my knowledge, only affects the output of -p and -a, adding
> > information like used and changed use flags and file size to download for
> > each package to be installed.
> I've got both -j and -l set in my MAKEOPTS and portage is quite verbose as it 
> has always been.  I don't know if EMERGE_DEFAULT_OPTS has a different effect.

Indeed it has. MAKE_OPTS contains options to make, whereas EMERGE_DEFAULT_OPTS
contains those for emerge. Both have a -j option. If you tell -j (jobs) to
emerge, it will do as many emerges simultaneously.
Gruß | Greetings | Qapla'
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