On 26.12.2011 13:42, Florian Philipp wrote:

> Solution: File a bug on b.g.o. Maybe the acroread dev can bundle a
> libidn.so.11 with acroread.

The better solution is to emerge net-dns/libidn.

$ equery b libidn.so.11
 * Searching for libidn.so.11 ...
app-emulation/emul-linux-x86-baselibs-20110928 (/usr/lib32/libidn.so.11
-> libidn.so.11.6.5)
net-dns/libidn-1.23 (/usr/lib64/libidn.so.11 -> libidn.so.11.6.6)

See also https://bugs.gentoo.org/show_bug.cgi?id=396079 opend by the
original poster after solving the problem in the german list.


Sebastian Beßler

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