Luigi Pinna schreef:
> Alle 21:29, sabato 20 agosto 2005, Holly Bostick ha scritto:
> [...]
>>If you go to the Mozilla Localization page at
>>and there is a project for your language, there should also be a
>>website link to the project's site. Any files to localize Firefox
>>should be there (at least that's how it worked for the Dutch files).
> Yes, there is a language pack for language that I need (Italian, German, 
> Bulgarian, Brazilian), I knew it...
>>You might also want to use the Locale Switcher extension at
>> to switch
>>between locales if you use more than one.
>>Hope this helps,
> The problem is to install them: I cannot find something like mozilla 
> (install languages). I see a windows in the tools menu with the 
> installed languages... only the en-US.
> I ask myself why they don't use the mozilla system: easy and it works 
> very good!
> Any tricks?

They're .xpi files, yes? The language pack should be. However, all the
sites for the languages you're looking for don't seem to have language
packs, just full installers.... although I can't read most of these
languages well enough to be sure. But I couldn't find any such pack on
the German localization site, for example. I did find one of the sp_SP
page, though. I am aware that you weren't looking for Spain Spanish, but
I had a hope of reading that, since the Lating American Spanish page had
a MySQL error and I couldn't view the downloads.

Anyway.. just click the download link for the relevant *.xpi, and
Firefox should offer to install it-- or, more likely, a bar should
appear across the top of the window saying that the site is not
authorized to install software. In that case, click the "Edit Options"
button that appears at the end of the bar at the top of the page, and a
dialog will allow you to add the site to the list of authorized
installer sites (if you don't want the setting to be permanent, you can
remove it later, for security sake), and then click the download/install
link again. Now the extension (because it is an extension) should install.

If it doesn't, then you need to do the exact same thing, but after
running Firefox as root. Most extensions install to
~/.mozilla/firefox/wherever (so the user may install them), but some
install to /usr/lib/mozilla-firefox (so only root can install them), and
atm I don't remember which kind the language pack is. Of course, you
could just do what I do and have root change the permissions of the main
application plugins folder, so that a user may write to it, because
otherwise it's a PITA, but that's just me.

So, once the language pack is installed, also install the Locale
Switcher extension if you haven't (I think that one has to be installed
by root as well). When you're done, close and reopen Firefox as root to
actually install it the extensions. Then close the root instance, and
open a user instance.

Under the 'Extras' menu, you should now have an entry "Languages". This
entry allows you to switch what language the application displays in.
Choose your language, then close and reopen Firefox to set it. This is
not really all that elegant for 'on the fly' switching, I admit--
there's probably a way to specify the language from the command line,
but I don't know what it is, sorry.

Hope this helps,
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