On 2012-01-06, Michael Mol <mike...@gmail.com> wrote:

> ping6 -c3 fe80::216:17ff:fe84:a7b3%eth0
> Link-local addresses are only valid at the link-level scope, and you
> have to specify which link you're referring to.

OK, that makes sense when there are multiple non-loopback interfaces.
but it appears that even when there is only a single interface you
still have to explicitly specify which one of the one available
interfaces to use.

> Global-scope addresses don't have the same limitation.
> Also, for fun, try this:
> ping6 -c3 ff02::1%eth0

Cool.  There are more ipv6-capable machines on the LAN than I

Grant Edwards               grant.b.edwards        Yow! Half a mind is a
                                  at               terrible thing to waste!

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