»Q« wrote:
> On Thu, 19 Jan 2012 21:25:31 -0600
> Dale <rdalek1...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Most man pages are Greek.  My Greek is not real good.
> Maybe you've got LINGUAS set incorrectly. ;)
> Quoting the relevant bit again,
>   the --changed-use option does not trigger reinstallation when flags
>   that the user has not enabled are added or removed.
> kdeenablefinla was a flag the user (me or Hilco) had *not* enabled, so
> that option should *not* have triggered reinstallation.
> FWIW, there is discussion of the issue of triggering needless
> reinstalls on the dev list now because of kdeenablefinal, buried in the
> thread "[gentoo-commits] gentoo-x86 commit in sys-libs/glibc:...".  It's
> mixed in with arguing about changing USE flags on stable ebuilds.
> --changed-use isn't mentioned, instead --exclude=kde-base/* is
> recommended, and they are talking about mentioning --exclude in the
> --newuse section of the man page.
> I'm not filing a --changed-use bug or posting in the dev list because of
> Medico's IMO rather prickly attitude about this kind of thing.  He
> says in this case:
>   The fact is, the user is not being forced to rebuild anything. They can 
>   simply run full system updates with --newuse less often if it puts
>   too much strain on them.
> Lest I seem ungrateful, let me be clear I do appreciate the tons of
> work he's put into portage for many years.

Well, I'm like this.  I had to emerge those packages because of the USE
flag doing whatever you want to call it.  Then a couple days later, I
had to do it again for another reason.  I posted this on -dev that I
wish they could have done both changes at the same time and someone else
posted about the same thing.  That is a wish tho, nothing else.  No
harm, nothing broke or blew up.  My biggest thing tho, I want a sane
system that works.  Sometimes that means compiling software several
times.  If that is the case, then fine because I get what I want.  I
used to run emerge -uv world for my updates.  Sometimes that lead to
issues.  Something changed and software would no longer work correctly
or was buggy or something.  So, I added options until I could get a sane
system.  I ended up with this boatload of settings:

emerge --jobs=10 --backtrack=30 --keep-going --verbose --newuse
--oneshot --quiet-build=n --with-bdeps=y --deep < world or some package
here >

Lets also not forget the revdep-rebuild command either.

That thing grew over time.  Thing is, my system works pretty darn well.
That's what I wanted.  This is also why I built a nice rig to do this on
too.  I built my rig from parts with a AMD 4 core CPU running at 3.2Ghz,
16Gbs of ram with portages work directory on tmpfs and plenty of drive
space.  I also have one heck of a CPU cooler and a super nice case with
lots of fans.  All this because I know Gentoo requires lots of compiling.

The comment about man pages being Greek was sort of a old saying for
when you read something but it doesn't help or don't understand it.  I
could have said that it was in French, Russian or any other language
that I don't speak.  Sort of like a joke.

As everyone knows, there is always a workaround for things but you also
have to pick and chose your settings.  I recently added --oneshot
because sometime back things started getting added to the world file
even if it was just a request for a upgrade of the package.  I didn't
know that was changed and neither did some other folks.  I had to go
clean up my world file and I think others did the same.

Sometimes I wonder if I should freeze portage version in place, read the
man page and get everything set like I EXPECT then stick with it for a
good long while.  Thing is, Zac adds some really neat stuff and most
everything is really nice.  Sometimes things sort of surprise me, like
adding packages to the world file when you only want a upgrade, but
still, he does make emerge do some neato things.

So, I may disagree with Zac on some things and I usually point that out
but I to am grateful for what he does cause he does some really neat
things.  I also read somewhere that portage was a bit of a mess when he
started.  I think all coders say that since everyone has their own style
but still, he has brought portage forward to say it lightly.  We should
all be supportive of that.  I know I am.  I even said that when the
build output change discussion was going on.


:-)  :-)

I am only responsible for what I said ... Not for what you understood or
how you interpreted my words!

Miss the compile output?  Hint:

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