On Sun, Jan 22, 2012 at 12:07 PM, Michael Mol <mike...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Sun, Jan 22, 2012 at 2:30 PM, Mark Knecht <markkne...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Also, thanks for the pointer to xvidtune. Interesting little app.
>> QUESTION: Do you know how to get the data for each monitor/video card
>> combo? So far I haven't figured out how to tell it Screen2. Seems to
>> only give me Screen0 as best I can tell.
>> I'm a bit nervous to just start trying things.
> If you're not using Xinerama, you can specify screens by changing
> $DISPLAY. e.g. :0.0 is screen 0, :0.1 is screen 1, :0.2 is screen 2...

I am using xinerama. 3 monitors across 2 NVidia adpaters. Same on my
friends system.

One interesting thing about this configuration. On his machine he uses
two identical 8400GS adapters. He can run glxgears and is able to move
the gears to any screen and see the gears. He can also use the KDE
features to look at all desktops and application using (Ctrl-F8 I
think) or by dragging his mouse to the upper left corner.

On my setup I use a GTX465 for screen 0 & 1 but have an NVidia 8400GS
for screen 2. On this system I only see the gears on screen 0 & 1. On
screen 2 I see just a black box and the FPS count skyrockets as the
CPU/GPU aren't really doing anything so it goes through the loop very
fast. Also, on this system the Ctrl-F8 thing mouse to the upper left
corner don't work at all.

I've assumed that's because I'm using two different NVidia cards.

- Mark

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