On Thursday 26 Jan 2012 17:11:39 Lorenzo Bandieri wrote:
> > Me, I use Chromium for using "social media" sites or Google services
> > that I want to log-in to. Google+, Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn. I
> > don't use it for anything else.
> > 
> > I use Firefox for everything else. I am not logged into any of those
> > services in Firefox. I use RequestPolicy to block all third-party
> > content unless I explicitly allow it. I also use noscript, adblock,
> > flashblock, cookie monster. Everything is blocked by default except
> > same-site images. My Firefox is like the armored tank of web browsing:
> > big and slow and sometimes it crashes, but I feel safe inside it. :)
> I have a setup similar to this. I use chromium on my main user for
> gmail and other services that I often use and I want to stay logged
> in. Main difference is that I have another user just for browsing
> everything else.
> I used to have simply another firefox profile on my main user, but
> recently I decided to set a completely different user for what *I'd
> like to be* "safe browsing". On this user I use Firefox with NoScript,
> Flashblock, AdBlocker, plus it is set up to be in "incognito mode" by
> default. The Flash cache is disabled also. With this user I do not
> login in any site. I'm sick of all these policies about tracking users
> and this constant siege to privacy. For this very reason I don't have
> a facebook profile. I used to trust Google, but in recent years has
> become increasingly intrusive.
> Maybe slightly OT, but what do gentoo-users think about Tor?

It's alright for hiding your IP address, BUT anyone can set up a Tor server 
and harvest unencrypted info that flies across the wire.  It's OK if you are 
connecting to https websites though.  You'll also need some secure DNS server 
if you don't want the addresses you're visiting to show up (at least at your 
ISP's DNS repeater).

The other problem I found is that over the years it has become extremely slow.  
I don't know if it is being flooded by kiddies using bittorrents.

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