Dale - I've been using Fastmail since 2005. Absolutely no issues at all.
I do pay for the enhanced account.

Good luck

On Thu, Jan 26, 2012, at 01:16 AM, Dale wrote:
> Hi list,
> I ran across this news item about Google:
> http://alturl.com/s7xi5
> The long URL is below.  I'm sort of getting to where I don't like Google
> since they seem to be doing things that I'm just not comfy with.  Next
> they will want a camera on my rig so they can watch me surf.  I found a
> search engine that may work.  It is here:
> www.ixquick.com
> Does anyone have a better search tool?  I don't like Yahoo either.  I do
> like froogle so that would be a bonus.  You know, shopping tool.
> Now to my next issue.  I'm thinking about switching emails too.  Yea,
> everyone on here knows my addy but I bet most can recognize my posts
> anyway. Plus, if the init thingy goes south, well, it happens.  Anyway,
> what is a nice stable email account server that allows pop access,
> Seamonkey as the email program, that is not tracking everything or nosey
> as heck?  Free would be nice but I would pay something inexpensive on a
> yearly basis if it is really good.  I think Yahoo has this but ain't
> they sort of like Google already?  Plus, I'm not sure how much longer
> Yahoo is going to last or make similar changes itself.  I'm sort of
> getting tired of switching emails every time I switch ISPs or there is a
> policy change.  That is why I switched to gmail in the first place.  No
> matter what ISP I use, I can still use Gmail.  Yet, here I am again.
> Thoughts?  Suggestions?
> Dale
> :-)  :-)
> Long URL just in case the shorty above doesn't work.  It may be broken
> tho.   Copy and paste alert.
> http://www.washingtonpost.com/business/technology/google-tracks-consumers-across-products-users-cant-opt-out/2012/01/24/gIQArgJHOQ_story.html?wpisrc=al_comboNE_b
> -- 
> I am only responsible for what I said ... Not for what you understood or
> how you interpreted my words!
> Miss the compile output?  Hint:
> EMERGE_DEFAULT_OPTS="--quiet-build=n"

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