On Thursday 26 Jan 2012 18:09:16 Florian Philipp wrote:

> This made me thinking: Does anyone out there use different browsers for
> different services? Like using Chrome only for GMail, Youtube and G+,
> Opera for Facebook and Firefox for normal browsing?

Yes, I use Chromium --incognito to check some financial websites, Firefox with 
private browsing to do my banking and log in to work remotely (Citrix SSL VPN) 
and Opera for very much everything else because of its speed and 
configurability (although these days most browsers have caught up with Opera in 
most respects).

> I guess you could achieve the same using different user profiles. For
> example `firefox --no-remote -P google` and `firefox --no-remote -P
> default`.

Ha!  I didn't know that FF can handle different profiles!  I better read on 

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