On Sun, 26 Feb 2012 10:19:56 +0100
Dan Johansson <dan.johans...@dmj.nu> wrote:

> Hi,
> After running an update yesterday (about 50 packages) on my ~x86
> laptop, wicd stopped working, and no wicd was not updated neither was
> any other network related packages. Today after a reboot my wireless
> network refused to start from wicd, starting it manually works. This
> is a part of the wicd.log:
> 2012/02/26 09:53:51 :: enctype is wpa
> 2012/02/26 09:53:51 :: Generating psk...
> 2012/02/26 09:53:51 :: ['/usr/bin/wpa_passphrase', 'DMJ',
> 'Do_not_care_about_this'] 2012/02/26 09:53:51 :: Attempting to
> authenticate... 2012/02/26 09:53:51 :: ['wpa_supplicant', '-B', '-i',
> 'wlan0', '-c', '/var/lib/wicd/configurations/000f90ac2780', '-D',
> dbus.String(u'wext', variant_level=1)] 2012/02/26 09:53:51 ::
> ['iwconfig', 'wlan0', 'essid', '--', 'DMJ'] 2012/02/26 09:53:51 ::
> iwconfig wlan0 channel 13 2012/02/26 09:53:51 :: iwconfig wlan0 ap
> 00:0F:90:AC:27:80 2012/02/26 09:53:51 :: WPA_CLI RESULT IS
> 2012/02/26 09:53:52 :: Running DHCP with hostname mutgdjoda1
> 2012/02/26 09:53:52 :: /sbin/dhcpcd -h mutgdjoda1 --noipv4ll wlan0
> 2012/02/26 09:53:52 :: dhcpcd[12434]: sending commands to master
> dhcpcd process 2012/02/26 09:53:52 :: 2012/02/26 09:53:52 :: 
> 2012/02/26 09:53:52 :: DHCP connection successful
> 2012/02/26 09:53:52 :: not verifying
> 2012/02/26 09:53:52 :: Connecting thread exiting.
> 2012/02/26 09:53:52 :: ifconfig wlan0
> 2012/02/26 09:53:52 :: IP Address is: None
> 2012/02/26 09:53:52 :: Sending connection attempt result success
> 2012/02/26 09:53:52 :: ifconfig eth0
> 2012/02/26 09:53:52 :: iwconfig wlan0
> 2012/02/26 09:53:52 :: Forced disconnect on
> 2012/02/26 09:53:52 :: /sbin/dhcpcd -k wlan0
> Running the commands "by hand" everything works:
> # wpa_supplicant -B -i wlan0
> -c /var/lib/wicd/configurations/000f90ac2780 -D wext
> # wpa_cli status
> Selected interface 'wlan0'
> bssid=00:0f:90:ac:27:80
> ssid=DMJ
> id=0
> mode=station
> pairwise_cipher=TKIP
> group_cipher=TKIP
> key_mgmt=WPA-PSK
> wpa_state=COMPLETED
> ip_address=
> # /sbin/dhcpcd -h mutgdjoda1 --noipv4ll wlan0
> dhcpcd[28962]: sending commands to master dhcpcd process
> # ifconfig wlan0
> wlan0: flags=4163<UP,BROADCAST,RUNNING,MULTICAST>  mtu 1500  metric 1
>         inet  netmask  broadcast
> ether 00:18:de:e1:c9:71  txqueuelen 1000  (Ethernet)
>         RX packets 128  bytes 21081 (20.5 KiB)
>         RX errors 0  dropped 20  overruns 0  frame 0
>         TX packets 143  bytes 24546 (23.9 KiB)
>         TX errors 0  dropped 0 overruns 0  carrier 0  collisions 0
> And my wireless connection works!
> Anny suggestions what's wrong?
> Regards,

I'm having similar issues with an Intel N6300 since a reboot.

In my case it fails with this:

[   76.232020] wlan0: deauthenticating from
xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx by local choice (reason=3)

Which means something deauthed the connection in the meantime. This
happens with kernel 3.2.6, but rebooting into 3.2.5 works just fine.

It doesn't make a whole lot of sense. If you are also running 3.2.6,
try 3.2.5 - if that works we are onto something.

Alan McKinnnon

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