On Tue, Feb 28, 2012 at 10:06:16AM +0100, YoYo Siska wrote:

> > This seems like a dumb question (for I was a strict PA denier until recently
> > and have been using alsa-only since always), but does PA handle OSS
> > applications better than alsa/dmix? Whenever I want to use sidplay, which 
> > only
> > speaks OSS, I need to stop all other audio programs (e.g. press Stop in the
> > Clementine player if it's only paused), or else /dev/dsp was busy.
> PA doesn't care about oss (/dev/dsp). It opens the soundcard through
> normal alsa interface (which means /dev/dsp becomes busy). You can
> either kill pulseaudio, or tell pulseaudio to suspend the correspondig
> sink (not sure what exactly happens if an audio stream through PA is active
> etc..).

I'm not using PA, I only said I denied it completety until recently. ;-)
(I just noticed it was running though, because I installed Gnome 3 a short
while ago to sneak a peak).

> Regarading oss (/dev/dsp) and plain alsa, it is the same, if something
> opens the soundcard through alsa, /dev/dsp becomes busy... (even when
> using dmix in alsa, because /dev/dsp is handled by a kernel modules,
> dmix is userspace).

Thanks for clearing that up.

>  There is however a way to amke oss work with dmix through aoss
> [...]
> Then you can run (even multiple) 'aoss mpg123 file.mp3 ...'

Hooray for the combined knowledge of mailing lists. That makes me happy as to
my question.
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