>>> I just received the new Dell XPS 13 Ultrabook and I'm trying to
>>> install Gentoo but I can't get install-amd64-minimal-20120223.iso to
>>> boot via a USB key.
>> Have you tested your boot USB keys on another machine?
> Gentoo is installed but I can't get my USB->ethernet adapter to bring
> up an eth0 (or any other) interface.  It works if I boot the Kubuntu
> USB key.  I've definitely built the correct driver into the kernel
> (mcs7380).  I'm going through an emerge world right now to bring
> everything up to date.  Is there anything else I might need to do?
> - Grant

I enabled some more kernel options under USB Network Adapters and it's
working now.  The install is about done but there were a few

1. fdisk won't let me specify a start block before 2048 even though I
deleted all partitions.

2. grub-install reported something like:


where hd1 was the USB key.  Should I fix this to remove the USB key from grub?

3. Portage complains about duplicate repositories.  I think it has to
do with the fact that I ran emerge --sync without downloading and
extracting an initial snapshot.

Please let me know if you have any idea on these.

- Grant

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