On 11 March 2012 13:49, Stroller <strol...@stellar.eclipse.co.uk> wrote:
> On 10 March 2012, at 20:56, András Csányi wrote:
>> … I would like to ask some help! I would like to use gmail smtp to send
>> my email from my domain which is sayusi.hu, and the email address is
>> sayusi.a...@sayusi.hu. Unfortunately, gmail smtp always overwrite the
>> sender email address. …  Do you know any solution
>> for this?
> Use a different SMTP server.
> I don't believe there's any alternative.
> Have you considered Postfix?

What do you mean when you say Postfix? If I use postfix and google
smtp is the relay always happens the same. The sender will be
Thanks God, yahoo mail doesn't do this! Now, I use yahoo smtp.
Unfortunately I can't use yahoo smtp as relay with postfix because
there is an issue with STARTLS and a hack is needed. Yesterday I was
to tired to reconfigure the whole. Mutt is able to use remote smtp so
I can send emails.

- -
--  Csanyi Andras (Sayusi Ando)  -- http://sayusi.hu --
--  ""Trust in God and keep your gunpowder dry!" - Cromwell

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